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Christian Scripture ¦ Historical Studies ¦ Systematic Theology
Pastoral Theology ¦ Ministerial Growth & Development

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Systematic Theology

Each of our Systematic Theology courses focus upon some aspect of communion ecclesiology, a created concept to focus out attention. First Way Stations lay a foundation historically, methodologically and liturgically. The second set of Way Stations center upon the nature of the human person, made in the image of God, and the moral and spiritual implications of this being-as-communion. We make our journey within context of an exploration into the nature of Christ and the Trinity. As we pass through the third set of Way Stations we move to a synthesis of the vision in Eucharistic Ecclesiology: Eucharist as it makes the Church. The fourth and final set of Way Stations on our journey to the new Jerusalem we examine most explicitly the pastoral ramifications of our life in communion in light of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5, 1-12) and Paul's descriptive definition of love found in 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.

ST 101: Foundations in Theology (4 MS)
  1. Describe the conceptualization of the Eucharist.
  2. Discuss how the Eucharist Celebration is the Mystery of the Church.
  3. Discuss how this mystery became grounded in The Liturgical experience.
  4. Given Scripture and Tradition, discuss how the Eucharist is the organizing principle of the Catholic experience, both East and West.
  5. Relate your conception of The Eucharist to daily life as a communal experience in the human community and the human condition. What purpose or purposes, if any, does the Eucharist serve within the nitty-gritty, give-and-take, hum-drum of daily life on the freeway, in the work setting, internet, dinner, table, family life? What is Presence and being present to life, to your own life, to the lives of others?
  6. Discuss the relevancy of The Eucharist as the foundation of Catholic Theology with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.
ST 102: Theology of Liturgy (2 MS)
  1. Discuss the nature of a) symbol and b) ritual and relate both to contemporary society, citing examples and the effect these examples might have upon society at large and smaller segments of the population.
  2. Discuss the sign/symbol (Word/Sacrament) relationship as contextualized with in the Catholic tradition, perhaps including a sub discussion on such topics as a RAVE Mass and Eastern liturgies compared and contrasted with Western liturgies.
  3. Discuss how liturgy in the Catholic tradition is both a revelation and participation in the Pascal Mystery.
  4. Discuss how through liturgy in the Catholic tradition the People of God worship the Father through Christ in the Holy Spirit.
  5. Relate symbol and ritual to the sacraments in general and the relevancy of both to today's world, both East and West.
  6. Synthesize the five previous discussions into a discussion on how the liturgy establishes the Church.
  7. Discuss the relevancy of The Liturgy with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.
ST 103: Christian Initiation (2 MS)
  1. Christian Initiation opens the door to salvation. Discuss original sin and salvation. Is there an "original sin" and from what are we saved? Into what specifically is the Chrisitan-to-be initiated?
  2. Discuss the myth or story of salvation and the place of baptism within that story. What is the sign/symbol relationship of Baptism to the post-modern world (cf. Original Sin Snowboards, etc.) Discuss the possible purposes the baptism story may serve today?
  3. Discuss the relationship of Confirmation to Baptism. Explain the reasoning for the Eastern church to confirm with baptism and for the Western church to confirm after baptism.
  4. Is the Eucharist qua Eucharist? Discuss.
  5. Relate the Eucharist to contemporary life. Is it a symbol? A sign? Discuss the relevancy of the Eucharist today personally, socially, communally.
  6. Compare and contrast the Eucharist and Real Presence as considered in the Western Church and the Eastern Church.
  7. If you are baptized and confirmed and nourished by the Eucharist, relate your experience being saved. If not, then speculate on what it would be like to be saved.
  8. Discuss the relevancy of The Sacraments of Christian Initiation with the Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.

ST 201: Theological Anthropology (2 MS)
  1. Discuss how creation in a) the image of a Triune God, b) the Fall, c) the Incarnation, d) our restoration and divinization in Christ e) the nature of grace and virtue, f) as well as the Eschaton shape a Christian's identity matrix.
  2. Trace the Christian in the time of the historical Christ through the early church, middle ages, Renaissance, to the contemporary reality. Compare and contrast your conception of the Christian in the time of the historical Jesus to the Christian today.
  3. Discuss the relevancy of Christianity in today's world given the activities of Christians in the world.
  4. Discuss your answer to the question: Was Christ Christian or Jewish?
  5. Discuss the myth and the reality of the Trinity, the Incarnation from an anthropological viewpoint and relate your discussion to our contemporary post modern, technological and information age.
  6. Discuss the relevancy of Theological Anthropology with the Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.
ST 202: Introduction to Moral Theology (3 MS)
  1. Discuss your appreciation of the statement: freedom under law is liberty. In what ways are you free and in what ways are you not free?
  2. Discuss whether or not morality actually exists or is a created fantasy of a set of proscribed behaviors. Conclude with a definition of morality.
  3. Discuss the morality of God in terms of the pain and suffering of the human family.
  4. Discuss the morality of Christ in knowingly setting himself for death and how this act could not be considered an act of suicide.
  5. Discuss the morality of an institution settings norms of conduct and then terming such norms as moral conduct.
  6. Relate principles of Christian morality to Christians forcing others to be Christian and making those individuals (somehow) wrong for not agreeing with the Christian or his/he principles of moral conduct.
  7. Discuss the relevancy of Moral Theology with the Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.
ST 203: Christ and the Trinity I (2 MS)
  1. Discuss the person and mission of Jesus Christ from a Chronological standpoint.
  2. Discuss the eclipse of the Trinitarian doctrine and its 20th century reformulation.
  3. Compare and contrast the Hindu Trimurge and the Christian Trinity, emphasizing Khrishna and Christ.
  4. Discuss the myth and the legend of the historical Jesus.
  5. Create a story for an 8 year old (gender, your choice) who asks the question: Who is the dude Jesus anyway?
  6. What is the relevancy, if any, of Jesus (myth and legend) to today's world.
  7. Discuss the relevancy of Christ as Christ and the Trinity with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.
ST 204: Christ and the Trinity II (2 MS)
  1. The verb to believe has two connotations: 1) to give cognitive assent and b) to give one's trust to. Discuss how someone comes to believe anything: that the earth is flat or somewhat round, that volcanoes are temper tantrums of angry gods or even Mother Nature or just natural acts, that one is who one thinks one is or who just one is. Discuss how one might believeor not believe in the Christian creed(s) and yet be Christian.
  2. Discuss the morality for encouraging or forcing another to believe as one does? Include the origination of fear, guilt, shame, and blame as part of the belief conditioning process.
  3. Given bivalent logic (either true or false) and modal logic (possible to be, possible not to be, impossible to be, impossible not to be), discuss from both perspectives Christian belief system(s) as found in the various creeds of the Christian tradition.
  4. Given the historical Christ and your appreciation there of, discuss how Christ Himself would have responded to the Nicene Creed. Discuss whether or not he would have recognized its cosmology and Christology, and Theology. Discuss his affirmation or rejection (or on a continuum between the two extremes) of the creed. Finally, discuss how Christ would have borne Himself before Bernard Gui.
  5. Discuss the relevancy of belief and The Creed with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.
ST 205: Christian Spirituality and Practicum (3 MS)
  1. Compare and contrast religion and spirituality within the context of the contemporary world. (The writer might bring into the discussion, for example, an Afghanistan that some have described is medieval.)
  2. Compare and contrast the behaviors of a religious person and a spiritual person.
  3. Compare and contrast belief in God and the experience of God.
  4. Relate your experience with Christian spirituality to the specific community within which you reside. Describe conflict within the community stemming from religious attitudes as differentiated from spiritual attitudes.
  5. Discuss how religion might be preferable to spirituality or spirituality to religion.
  6. Complete practicum Journal as noted above.
  7. Conclude your journal with a discussion on the relevancy of Christian Spirituality with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.
ST 301, 302: Theological Synthesis: Eucharistic Ecclesiology I, II (2 MS) ea. Eucharist and Presence

Eucharistic Prayer

  1. After careful and considered reflection and contemplation, discuss in detail and depth how the Mystery of the Trinity, revealed and historically realized in the Mystery of Christ, is rendered present in the eucharistic experience of being as communion, the Church of God.
  2. Discuss your understanding of the institution of the Eucharist and its nature as the memorial of the Covenant, realizing the promises of the Covenant.
  3. Discuss how the Eucharist Prayer realizes a) the memorial, b) thanking-and-praising sacrifice, c) real presence and d) ecclesial communion in Christ-and-the-Trinity.
  4. Discuss your insight, given your contemplation to date, into the the into the nature of the Church, at once local and universal, embodying the Word, proclaimed and incarnate, discerning truth-in-unity, rooting the prophetic, priestly and governing authority of the episcopate in general and jurisdicational bishops specifically.
  5. Discuss how participation in the Eucharistic Assembly/Communion which the Church, being the primary instance of the knowledge of God, is both the root and culmination of all theology.
  6. Discuss how the Eucharist, as it makes the Church, and the Church, as it celebrates the Eucharist, integrates the major themes of all theology.
  7. Discuss the relevancy of an Eucharistic Ecclesiology with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.
ST 303: Social Justice and Health Care Issues (2 MS)
  1. General: Catholic Social Teaching (CST)
  2. Specific Roman Catholic Statements on CTS
    1. In light of the Beatitudes, discuss the recent history of Catholic Social Justice and Health Care Issues. Include in your discussion a working definition of justice and social justice from a humane context and contrast this context with that of a Christian context.
    2. Reflecting on Catholic documents on social justice, elicit some relevant basic moral principles and then relate them to the give-and-take of contemporary society in a technological, post information and post modern, age.
    3. Give your reasoned opinion as to when human life begins noting in your discussion various historical and cultural considerations as to when human life, actually and in fact, begins.
    4. Discuss the Spirit of the Beatitudes in terms of cloning issues and the human gnome project and what the future holds for the Human Community. Is justice possible? Is social justice possible? in the brave New World and the New World Order.
    5. QED: Warehousing of the elderly is socially just. Discuss pro/con aspects with clarity and precision of thought/feeling.
    6. QED: Euthanasia upon one's own choice is similar to the customs of indigenous elderly one morning simply just not appearing at the breakfast gathering, having, for example, taken to an ice flow. Discuss pro/con aspects with clarity and precision of thought/feeling.
    7. What are your own personal issues, if any, and involvement, if any, with Social Justice concerns? Given human nature in this post modern era and throughout time, does it really matter? What is tolerance and what place does tolerance have in the social justice arena? Discuss.
    8. Discuss the relevancy of Catholic Social Teaching with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.

ST 304: Ministry and Holy Orders (2 MS)
  1. A priest is a Mediator, Steward, and a Priest. Discuss in detail each function in terms of the Beatitudes.
  2. Relate the priestly function as Mediator, Steward, and Priest to how you specifically envision your ministry, the ministry of Christ.
  3. You are at a social gathering. There are four people: yourself, another who favors women priests, and another to wants only male priests, and a third who has no preference. The three people look to you, Priest, for a definitive answer. Discuss in detail your response.
  4. Discuss in great detail, if not point by point, and with great care the relevancy of the Ministry of Orders with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.

ST 305: Sexuality and Marriage (3 MS)
  1. Discuss the theology and sacramentality of sexuality and marriage and relate same to this post modern age of technological advancement and information.
  2. Discuss the historical underpinnings of the Christian understanding of sexuality and marriage from the Bible and relate same to the living, breathing human beings today in first world and fourth world countries. Compare and contrast. Generate a synthesis.
  3. Describe, then discuss the development of Christian doctrine regarding sex, sexuality, and marriage to more recent developments and the giveness that 50% of marriages end in divorce within 3 to 5 years.
  4. Describe then discuss the morality of sexuality and marriage. Relate the morality of sexuality and marriage to minority populations, indigenous populations, "upper" and "lower" class populations, and teenage and single populations.
  5. Discuss the relevancy of Sexuality and Marriage with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.

ST 401: Theology of Reconciliation (2 MS)
  1. Discuss in depth the theology of sin and forgiveness and apply both to our post modern culture. Include in your discussion whether sin actually exists in the universe as such or is created so by and in the human mind. Likewise, discuss whether forgiveness actually exists in the universe as such or is created so by and in the human mind.
  2. Given the trend in this post modern culture to not admit personal responsibility for personal actions performed, discuss the nature of reconciliation and contrition and how each applies to today's world.
  3. In giving a penance, discuss the pros/cons of works of mercy over a series of prayers.
  4. Discuss the nature of judgement and the Scriptural admonition of Judge not, lest you be judged from the view point of the confessor.
  5. Discuss to whom and for what purpose, specifically, a penitent actually, in fact, atones
  6. Discuss the relevancy of a Theology of Reconciliation with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.

ST 402: Development of the Liturgical Year (2 MS)
  1. Discuss Christian time and history as they are celebrated in the Church year.
  2. Discuss how the celebration of the Liturgical Year makes present the saving Mystery of Christ in worship and envelopes the worshipers in that saving Mystery.
  3. Discuss the development of Sunday and the other days of the week, together with the seasons of the Christian year and their expression.
  4. Discuss the relevancy of The Liturgical Year with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.

ST 403: Ministry to the Sick and Dying (2 MS)
  1. Discuss the role of ministry in the context of a) acute, b) chronic, and c) terminal illness in terms of a) the individual human being and b) that human being's immediate family and extended family and friends.
  2. Discuss the theological and practical considerations of the ministry to the sick and dying especially in terms of our pluralistic society and differing cultural norms and expections regarding the sick and the dying.
  3. Discuss the proposition: We are born to die and in death we find life. Compare and contrast the Western mind set (life/death) and the Eastern mind set (birth/death) from the context of Christianity being originally an Eastern religion with Western overtones. Relate these two mind sets to minstering to the sick and dying and their families, friends, and enemies.
  4. Discuss the relevancy of ministering to the Sick and Dying with The Beatitudes (Matthew 5, 1-12) and 1 Corinthians 12, 31-13, 8.

Christian Scripture ¦ Historical Studies ¦ Systematic Theology
Pastoral Theology ¦ Ministerial Growth & Development

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